Heat Pump Contractors
* The information on this page is provided as a courtesy to the community and to visitors to this website. We make no guarantees, assurances, or claims as to the competence, practices, or level of performance of any contractor or entry listed on this page. By accessing or using any information on this page, you agree that the information contained is provided without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.
Go to the Love Electric “Find an Installer” page to generate a list of Heat Pump Contractors serving your area.
We recommend homeowners ask the following questions of contractors, as well as your own questions, to obtain optimal results:
1) I am looking to go all-electric and gas-free in my home, especially gas-free heat pump technology. Can you help me with this?
2) What training have you or any of your techs received in heat pump technology, installation and maintenance? (The Love Electric Site has specific training requirement for installers https://loveelectric.org/become-an-installer/)
3) Do you feel confident in your understanding of the technology, installation, and maintenance of heat pumps?
4) What are our next steps for exploring the options for building my home with all-electric technology to avoid the risk and impacts of burning gas in my home? Can you send me information and set up a time to follow up?
5) I have learned that heat pumps work without backups to -13F degrees or lower, but some contractors still insist that gas backup is needed in Colorado. What is your opinion? Why would I want to continue to have methane gas in my home if I don’t need to?
7) Are you authorized to offer heat pump rebates? Can you help me obtain government and utility rebates and any other financial incentives?
8) How many heat pumps (of the kind you are considering) have you installed?
9) Ask similar questions if considering a heat pump hot water heater.